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A scholarly work of meticulous research. Appealing to reason and applying the scientific method to prophetic scripture, it demonstrates that God has once again revealed Himself to humankind and has provided hope for unity and peace on this planet.

John Paul Vader, M.D. --Author of For the Good of Mankind



A book with a message of hope and fulfillment, a message that can transform our planet into a place of peace, into a kingdom that has been the dream and hope of humanity since the dawn of history...a scholarly, comprehensive, and fascinating work that has been long overdue. No wonder it took over three decades to complete it.

Hon. Dorothy W. Nelson --Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit



A story with an incredible ending that is made credible by the sheer weight of evidence. It is a must for anyone interested in the proofs of the advent of the Promised One of all ages.

John Huddleston --Author of The Earth Is But One Country



...a treasure house of great value for both Bahá’ís and seekers.

Adib Taherzadeh --Author and Scholar



I am in awe at the extent of research you have undertaken!

Waldo Boyd --Writer and Editor


Your work never fails to astound me. The effort and breadth of your knowledge both of the Bible and other literature as well as the depth of your understanding of Bahá’í Scripture is truly amazing. Also, a hallmark of your work is your thoroughness. Anyone who believes in biblical prophecy, and reads these volumes with an open mind, cannot fail to be convinced.

Dr. Tom Rowe --Professor of Psychology


Your work is the best I’ve seen on biblical prophecies and proofs of Bahá’u’lláh’s Revelation. You offer so much information in relatively few pages. Your many references prove clearly the book’s central claim. Your language is simple and exciting. You take the reader through a complete spiritual and prophetic adventure. Your approach is modest, yet dynamic. I pray it will excite all your readers as it has excited me.

Joe Killeen --Bible Scholar, with a Degree in Eschatology and Soteriology


There are few works by a single author that can rival Dr. Motlagh’s in their sheer scope, depth and thoroughness of scholarship. Without doubt, future Bahá’ís will thank Dr. Motlagh for his achievements, that are, in my opinion, not only astonishing—they are heroic. An important work that will be referenced by future Bahá’í scholars for millennia to come.

Robert F. Riggs --Aerospace and Marine Scientist, Inventor, Author of The Apocalypse Unsealed


By writing these volumes Dr. Motlagh has made a momentous contribution to our understanding of biblical prophecy. As a former Baptist minister, I urge all Christians to investigate the news of the return of our Lord as presented in I Shall Come Again, Lord of Lords, andKing of Kings. “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you” (Isa. 60:1).

Mel Campbell --Former Baptist Minister


I Shall Come Again, Lord of Lords, and King of Kings prove with astonishing clarity that our Lord has already fulfilled His promise, that He returned in 1844, a date that is confirmed 16 times in the Bible. Anyone who has a desire to see the Bridegroom and enter His heavenly Banquet must take this one step: read, with an open heart, the convincing evidence presented in these volumes. I encourage all Catholics to test “the Spirit” of Bahá’u’lláh, the Glory of God, to see if it is the Spirit of Truth (I John 4:1).

Lou Meyer  --Former Catholic Priest


For centuries Christians and Jews have pondered this glorious prophecy of Isaiah: “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on His shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. He will reign on David’s throne and over His kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever” (9:6-7).

The entire world is now encompassed with uncertainty and fear. The cry for peace is heard constantly, and yet there is no peace. These volumes set forth God’s plan to remedy our greatest spiritual maladies at this critical juncture in history. The King of Kings has come and made His Kingdom available to all of us.

As one who has followed Him for more than forty years and experienced and witnessed His divine powers in transforming the hearts of humankind, I am pleased to recommend these volumes to any reader who will approach them with a seeking heart and an open mind. They present biblical evidence for the Advent of the only One who can save us from the impending dangers and calamities. In this work you will discover Bahá’u’lláh to be the King of Kings and Prince of Peace, who has come to establish God’s Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. I invite all Christians and Jews to participate in building this most glorious Kingdom.

Dr Jack E. McCants --Former Methodist Minister


…a labor of love, and a work of over three decades of research. This is the most challenging and the best documented work on the fulfillment of a divine Promise uttered again and again since the dawn of history. Its message is timely, its proofs convincing, and its purpose divine—one that can lift and join the heart of humanity to the Heart of God. It should be read and reread by anyone gifted with an inquisitive and open mind—anyone who believes in reason, has faith in God’s promises, and desires to see their fulfillment. “Did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God?” (John 11:40).

Paul Jacobi --Former Catholic Priest


The message presented in these volumes should appeal to every Christian and every Jew. They prove the realization of a most glorious dream: the fulfillment of a hope and a promise affirmed more than a thousand times in the Bible. They appeal to reason and apply scientific methods to scriptural prophecies to prove that once again God has spoken to humanity, that He has expressed His love and His grace by sending His Son in the Glory of the Father. Let me share this quotation from the Bahá’í Scriptures with all Christians and Jews:“All the signs have been revealed; every prophetic allusion hath been manifested. Whatever hath been enshrined in all the Scriptures of the past hath been made evident.”

Elrico Evans --Former Baptist Minister
